
عرض المشاركات من أغسطس, ٢٠١٧

تطوير معادلات علي للمساهمة في حل ظاهرة الاحتباس الحراري .واثبات نظرية التفاعل بواسطة الفوتونات المتعددة proofs of multi photon interactions by using Ali's equations and implement it in global warming solutions

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم This letter to whole world My brothers my countrymen my lovers in Islam my partners in humغanity Allah’s peace upon earth First I Thank GOD for graces, I’m #ALI_YOUSIF_HASSAN_EDRISS, From Sudan, I graduated from Sudan University of science and technology.  I introduce research about (The proofs multi photons interaction theorem by using (Ali’s equations) and implement it in global warming solutions: using high power laser) .This research I hope participates on global warming solutions, and I hope my lord Allah accept this elaboration and bless and make it for Islam’s highness Amen.  On this research I quoted from the scientist prof / Ahmed Zewail experiment of femtolaser and I used Arrhenius equation and photochemistry controlled reactions engineering science  The first purpose of this article is giving some ideas and methods and theorem in photo chemistry then use this theorem in global worming solutions. My idea is to design a device whi...