
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2017

My formulas



#last_apdates_of_Ali_equation_of_photochemical_reactions . #Climate_change_solution Multiphoton interaction recently has been used in microscopy because of its characteristics in amplification, but fewer studies oriented on its characteristic on driving reactions. This study is straightforward implementation on thermodynamic and photochemistry science. My idea in this article is mixing of Arrhenius equation with Zewail equation using Hamiltonian and then finds out what is outcome. In this theoretical mathematical investigation method of thinking I find the fellows:  There is a threshold of wave length, the reactions by multiphoton interaction cannot begin until after cross, likewise Einstein photoelectric effect.  Ali'equation has the ability to interpretate the actual behavior of reactions with Jarzynski identity law of fast swiching reactions.  The wave length is proportion with the forth r...


#Ali's_equation_and_Einstein_photoelectric_theorem The photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons or other free carriers when light is shone onto a material. Electrons emitted in this manner can be called photo electrons. Albert Einstein proposed that a beam of light is not a wave propagating through space, but rather a collection of discrete wave packets (photons), each with energy hν. This shed light on Max Planck's previous discovery of the Planck relation (E = hν) linking energy (E) and frequency (ν) as arising from quantization of energy. The factor h is known as the Planck constant. Einstein supposed that electrons cannot emit unless bombarded by photon carry energy bigger than certain value called threshold. My equation could proof it mathematicaly and gave a full information if we used it than Einstein equation, look at pictures below. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1935716406754529&id=100009485660520


#Ali's_theorem_and_Jarzynski_theorem The Jarzynski identity is the theory describes the pooer sampling paths of free energy differences can be calculated from the statistics of the work carried out during non-equilibrium transformations. The basis for this method, also known as “fast switching”, is an identity derived in 1997 by Jarzynski. Although this identity is an exact result, statistical sampling problems arise if the transformation removes the system too far from equilibrium. My theorem could explain the actual act of moldcules when it absorbs a discrete energy as a Gaussian distribution . My formula is agree to some degree with Jarzynski theorem . Here my theorem in a pages and its proofs https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1935717383421098&id=100009485660520

Ali's equations. Photoelectric and Ali's equation.

#Ali_equation_of_photochemical_reactions. Multiphoton interaction recently has been used in microscopy because of its characteristics in amplification, but fewer studies oriented on its characteristic on driving reactions. This study is straightforward implementation on thermodynamic  and photochemistry science.  My idea in this article is mixing of Arrhenius equation with Zewail equation using Hamiltonian and then finds out what is outcome.  In this theoretical mathematical investigation method of thinking I find the fellows:   There is a threshold of wave length, the reactions by multiphoton  interaction cannot begin until after cross, likewise Einstein  photoelectric effect.   The wave length is proportion with the forth root of intensity.   Ali equation has the ability to simulate the reality in some extents.   I have done some examinations (mathematically so far) like: heat  behavior, effect of intensit...