
The Jarzynski identity is the theory describes the pooer sampling
paths of free energy differences can be calculated from the statistics of the work
carried out during non-equilibrium transformations. The basis for this method,
also known as “fast switching”, is an identity derived in 1997 by Jarzynski.
Although this identity is an exact result, statistical sampling problems arise if the
transformation removes the system too far from equilibrium.
My theorem could explain the actual act of moldcules when it absorbs a discrete energy as a Gaussian distribution . My formula is agree to some degree with Jarzynski theorem . Here my theorem in a pages and its proofs


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

جهاز لتشخيص وعلاج الجلطات واكتشاف اماكن تصلب الشرايين وعلاجها. فكرة ارجو ان ترى النور قريبا

غاز السارين sarin gas